
Innovamat is Catalan company offering a hybrid app/textbook based on an interactive and personalized mathematics learning program.

Before they hired an internal enUS translator, they contracted us to post-edit content on their platform.

Client Profile

Sector: Educational Software
Headquarters: Spain
Employees: 379

App & Textbook: Interactive and Personalized Mathematics Learning Program Translation

Project summary

Language pair(s)

Spanish (esES) to English (enUS)

Linguist team

One trusted enUS native translator

Reference Materials

We were provided with:

  • detailed style guide
  • glossary


  1. Machine translation (client)
  2. Post editing
  3. Send to client for additional steps

Electronic tools

Phrase (translation)
Phrase (QA checks)

Linguists used

Words translated



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Not all clients fit us, and we don’t fit every client. That is why we value our clients so much. Let’s talk about whether our services are right for your company.